Outreach Concern was founded in 1993 and has provided over 600,000 children and families in over 1,000
schools throughout Orange and Los Angeles Counties access to a variety of pupil personnel services aimed
at positively impacting a child’s academic performance. We are pleased to be a part of the curriculum at
Our Mother of Good Counsel School and believe that should you find the need to utilize any of our
services, you’ll be impressed with the impact they have on your child or teenager.
Our Mother of Good Counsel School strives to provide its students and families with as much supportive
assistance as possible and is aware that today’s stressful lifestyle makes that support more and more
necessary. By incorporating the Outreach Concern program, students at Our Mother of Good Counsel
School who experience difficulties with academics, behavior, or personal problems have access to trained
counselors on campus, where and when they might need them.
Outreach Concern’s counselors possess a wide variety of experience, including undergraduate, graduate,
postgraduate, doctoral, and professional backgrounds. Because our counselors are “intern-counselors,”
each counselor works under the supervision of one of our Regional Field Supervisors whom they meet with
weekly to discuss their cases, in addition to ongoing supervision from their Outreach Concern Clinical
Supervisor and their university program.